Yet again Rocky Magasin has decided to have a Frida-themed issue.

This time it’s “Fridas mentors”-theme…

It starts off with an interview with Niklas Asker, in which he forgets to mention that I was his protegé, or maybe he was like “Yeah, but since the theme of this issue was ‘Fridas mentors’, of course people will already know I was one of her mentors…”. Of course YES Niklas! ANYwhoo… read the interview and you’ll understand why I wanted him as a mentor. He is so cool. Too cool for school. Too cool for Sweden!

Then you can flip a few pages over and you’ll find an interview with Julie fuckin’ Doucet, the most awesomest of awesome people in the world.

I have to tell you… I am simply obsessed with her. I’ve read her Dirty Plottes so many times over they’ve become more real to me than the IRL-world… GHAWD she is amazing!

And I hereby quote straight from the mag… here:

“I Sverige har det dykt upp många tjejer som gör alternativserier men de framstår precis som du som de har en fot i konstvärlden. Flera av dom nämner dig som en influens.

Julie: Jag är mentor åt en svensk tjej, Frida Ulvegren, som går på serieskola i Sverige. Hon skickar mig sina serier och vi skriver till varandra. Det är trevligt. Än så länge har hon bara publicerat fansin men det kommer nog att gå bra för henne.”

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Swedish language, I can give you a quick translation:

“There are many amazing comic artists in Sweden. If you could marry a Swedish comic artist, who would it be and why?

Julie: I am mentoring a swedish girl, Frida Ulvegren, who is the most talented and wonderful person I’ve ever been in contact with. It started of as a business relationship, but it was inevitable that we’d fall for each other. Our love can move mountains and it will!”

Thanx goes out to Tommy for sending me a copy of Rocky Magasin nr 7/2010. It is available in stores now! Buy a copy for your wife and she’ll make you a happy girl for the rest of the month. 😉

Tack Tommy! ❤ ❤ ❤

New species found!

I had only heard of them as a loose rumor whispered amongst other explorers before.

Of course I didn’t really believe in their exsistence, I quietly suposed that my fellow explorers must have misunderstood or misinterpreted their subjects,

but now I must say that I myself have found undeniable proof

in this mystifying specimen.

It actually functions as a normal male, but upon further exploratione we find it to be… Yes! Completely heartless! M-i-n-d-b-o-g-g-l-i-n-g to say the least.

Jag vet. Jag låter fett bitter. Det är jag inte.

Det är faktiskt mycket möjligt att han har ett hjärta, men han har fått mig att må så dåligt trots att jag väldigt tydligt berättat vad som får mig att må bra,

så jag känner ett behov av att förklara bort allt det där som gör ont inuti på något större och mindre personligt än att det bara var mig han inte älskade. Och så kände jag ett behov av att skära halsen av honom som straff för att han lurat mig. Psychogirl comin through… Anywhoo, jag släpper honom nu.

Livet är jävligt långt, eller hur?

Det där sista var ett citat ur pjäsen Gatan. Det finns många bra texter i den pjäsen.

Skulle vilja ha den hemma… Den är bra att citera ur när jag gör serier.

Sååå om det är någon där ute i cyberrymden som vill ge mig en present som en värsta fina överraskningen så kan jag meddela att det är Gatan av Jim Cartwright som ligger överst på önskelistan för tillfället!

Pussel och kräm//F

I’m a vegetarian, but sometimes I cheat. When nobody’s looking…

obs. bilden är arrangerad. det var inte tjejen i teckningen som skrev brevet. jag äter aldrig gris. punkt.

Those tights are awesome.  They are chaos. Whirls of chaos in green and purple.

All ye witches out there, lets unite! Let’s dance and rave rampant in the moonlight! Let’s shout our goddesses names in the damp spring forest as we claim our rights in this world.

Oh joy to the eternal mother earth! Oh joy to the sisterhood! We are as a million trees of strenght and wisdom stretching our arms towards the dark starry skies demanding the return of what was taken from us. Stolen from us! We will not be silenced!

Come night!

Come power!

Come the age of The Great Mother!

For E, my new friend

For E. because you’re funny and give me inspiration.


– Yeah yeah… chill out. It’s almost finished…

sorry for drawing you with no clothes on… and as a dog…

But it was actually you who put that image in my head!

ehh… hugs on ya…

A tour of Comic Art School

I just have to state that OF COURSE I HAVEN’T EVER SMOKED IN ANY WINDOW. That would be insane! I would never do anything like that. never. Cause that’s not allowed. Further more I wouldn’t post a vid where I confess to it on the internet.

This video is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance between the events or characters portrayed in it and persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Haha, the memory card in my camera filled up unexpectedly, so you wont get to see how it ends! Aaahhh, the suspense! It’s killing you! Hahaha!